Click for a larger view :D Third day
My cousin , Thersa :DD
Introducing (left to right):Auntie,ahkun,feimao,ahfu,ken, louis .Second day
Some events on the last night .
Three idiots , Me my sis and bro :DDD
My mother :DD , all hail to Empress Dowager .
A hiding orange cat .
Mother cat feeding kitten , im facinated :DD
Kelong :DDDDD
A big cat and small cat , apparently the bigger cat like to bully small one .
Ah kun , ah fu ,hiding de is ken and lastly my cousin the small one .
A dog . He fcuking cute lor .
Mini crab + mini prawn = mini collection :D
A mini crab (:
Closer view :D
Snake eating mudskipper :( , bad snake .
There is a JELLYFISH !!!
Big prawn compared to small :D
There !! This is where we stayed :D
Three hoodlums (: Left to right : My bro , Kelvin and FeiMao
Behind me is a marina batam 5 boat :DD
When we going back to whr we were staying at there .
If they anyhow cross someone may fall :(
My sisterrrrrr :DD the one im always saying .
Everyone lining up to crosss , if not u fall into the water :)
Right to left :My auntie , her daughter , my sis my bro and louis .
A photo of a sting-ray , this poison sting-ray cannot eat de .
Everyone concentrating (:
That guy in the middle introducing us his fish farm , he only 15 .
Post for the camera :DD
My brother , taken when i called him . *Stunn-ed
Mums and kids (;
Full house , all kids in here .
Day one (:
Another eel pic (:
My cousin and Me (: he is a.k.a. Kelvin . He floorball-er don play play hor .
A mudskipper and a crab ((((:
Hmms , ii see this post from Woosa's blog .I also can say partly show how ii feel , not now but last time or maybe in the future .Sense of Security - Credits to http://thatlove-addictions.blogspot.comDo guys really know girls that well? In a boy-girl-relationship, alot of factors are brought into which I mentioned in one of my old post. Well, I think I should add on. Basics in a relationship, care and concern, love, responsibility and sense of security.Care and concern is definitely needed. I mentioned it in one of my older post, so i shall not repeat it. Same goes for love and responsibility.I'm gonna focus on this factor - sense of security.Many guys would ask his girlfriend, "How can I let you feel that you wont lose me?" Especially when alot of couples quarrel due to this factor, lack of sense of security .The girlfriend will say stuff like "I feel insecure".However boyfriend usually thinks that girlfriend is feeling secure, but that is only his thinking. So how to let girls increase sense of security?Usually a simple gesture will do. Like caring for her, being there for her when she need you. Perhaps you can carry things for her, give her a peck on her hand, or even just treat her good. That will do. Don't neglect her or take her for granted like her becoming your trash bin for you to throw out all your anger/bad moods or worse still be your punching bag.Why do girls feel insecure? It usually all started when boyfriend starts treating girlfriend coldly or neglect her. Eg. When girlfriend ask boyfriend things, boyfriend give a one or two word reply and the tone is a bad tone or boyfriend only cares bout friends/games and neglects girlfriend. At first, girlfriend will start to think if she did anything wrong, why is boyfriend treating her this way. If she did something wrong, then she will apologize. If she did not, she will start to find excuses like maybe he is in a bad mood, or maybe he didn't meant it.However, if the cold treatment/neglecting thingy continues more frequently/the duration gets longer, girlfriend will start having this "girl mentality". Which means, she will start to think all sorts of reasons why boyfriend is treating her this way. She will be thinking stuffs like "Did his feelings fade?", "Does he still love/like me?", "What if he wanna break?", "Is he two-timing me with another girl?", "Did he fall for someone else?", etc. She will eventually start to lose confidence in the relationship. If she is those type that speaks up, good for her. Cause she will question boyfriend. If she doesn't, she is meant to get more and more hurt until she cannot take it anymore.So when boyfriend is in a bad mood, don't throw it on girlfriend, throw it somewhere else. If at this time she calls, just tell her you are not in a very good mood cause blah blah blah happenned. You will call her later. If you wanna explain to her later, just tell her you are not in a good mood, you call her later and tell her what happen. By telling her what happen, you are letting her feel that you trust her, and so that the "girl mentality" doesn't occur. By calling her later refrain boyfriend from throwing out anger on her.If boyfriend is in a bad mood when he is out with girlfriend, just speak up. Tell her why are you in a bad mood. And she will find all sorts of things to cheer you up. (: Cause if boyfriend does not speak up, girlfriend will start thinking all sorts of reasons why boyfriend is in a bad mood.Lastly, girlfriend/wife is meant to be pampered, she is not a slave or a maid.