LOLS they covered shanna head thn took pic ><.. hahas when we wanted to leave downtown we took this pic cool <3 Shanna's cake (: the heart shape i draw thn they put the fireworks and lit it ..
they wanted to test the night mode thn shaana put the _l_ and we took the pic (: eileen took pic with the cake (; cool right i know the candles which made up 14 LOLS stupid pics
LOL she damn funny lahs . Smiling to the camera? RETARDED FACE .. :D
WDF ... Saw Larry's blog ... Haiz .. Nvm heaven is lyk that de like to shua ren .. One day we may be alive but one day we may be dead .. Is not up to us .. If heaven never shua us he got nth to play le . I jus don understand why cant people treasure each other ?! Fk?!
Had a nice day in school .. Normal day but today cca zhiqin nvr go ><>>!!<< Shhhhhh im not telling until i one day if i can stead with him .. LOLS ..
After ahBEAR came out face was reddishh!! Let her rest .. Thn we go 533 to find renee .. I saw a cat keep meowing i play with it for a really short moment.. The cat follow me <33333 . I LOVE CATS . Play match with one guailan kia sibei guailan ): Fk la he think he sibei pro and ohya forget say the basketball wasnt the normal size much larger LOLS So kinda hard fer me .. So finished the match went to535 de blk downstairs slack awhile. LOLS renee threw her 100 plus at yanq i tink headshot .. LOLS yanq came back chasing renee thn used the bottle whack renee ass above .. Renee keep say very pain thn the expression walaoeh fcuking funny Renee keep say she pro hit yanq renee say she zhoujielun . After that took pic of renee . She sibei cute siall .. <333
Thn to bus back with ahBEAR abt 1hr ltr ..
I was thinking when i bathing .. This guy i like is the rare few that i like him b4 i stead .. Dono we will cpl anot but everytime i sleep i will dream of him . In class keep thinking.. LOLS .. But wondering am i really gonna fall in love this time ? If i do i really hope we will be tgt for a long time .. *Sibei confused
today woke up i got sore eyes !! Hate it mans .. I when i got to school i still had sore eyes but btr le .. wENT To the canteen walked with one eye closed (: Pro right . bought my 100plus as usual and mushroom soup. LALALA .. i slept at lit class chinese class and abit at science . NICE . Class went as usual .. hahas after remedials . Went to find my friends and dear and laopo at 533 . Hmm that uncle was there . (: he damn pro at bball (to us) LOLS . bear that uncle and me teamed . zq and eileen and renee the other .. soon yanq came, pressure that small girl snacted ball fierce (: thn abt 4:30 went to TM with bear , do stuff . bought a red handphone thing that hangs on the neck .. When i came back walking back i hanged the strap on my neck . LOLS . i keep swinging it . LOLS thn omg u guess wad !!! i saw zhiqin father and bro he were like staring at me >< FK damn paiseh .. hahas LMAO ..
i hope one day carissa, junwei(must put tgt), wanyi,bear, kahjui,shanna, dennis and other ppl from bravo can meet up one day . (: thn go shoopping tgt (: ahhhh btw that kahjui go hongknog dono got buy presents for us .. hahas
Hmmmm .. in school slept that time keep thinking of him .. LOLS I dont know if he knows that i like him.. cuz i was like smsing, thn like had a playplay attitude . Hopes one day we can be tgt . But when we were smsing i said if i like you how. he said i giv u a chance lors. Don know true anot .. =/ hahas . *hoping its true* (:
Monday, September 15, 2008
LOLS i wan to continue posting ...
Today got play bball mahs thn at first i team with renee play against eileen and yanq
LOLS 1,2,3,4,5,6 they scored .. LOLS their last ball damn hard to go in lols.
I scored the first goal but renee aiyo if tired don play le i see like you super tired
Hahas .. Now i tink i will post daily if i could .. All i could think about is study .. and how can act a sick face to sleep in class . hehe . Tmr got something big .. I hope i can think of something to say to help them get back tgt . Them as in Wanyi and Renee i hope Zhiqin too. okayyyshhh .
Kahjui sir went to hongkong ... Nahs . Nothing big i also went b4 . I want to go Japan again and go taiwan and USA!!! Went to Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Korea i cant rmb le TT
I wish something can knock my head and lose my memory .. Today went back home as i walked across the road, i regret that i wasnt knocked down by that white car and the bus . I still can rmb the bus no. and the colour of the car . I want to die or lose my memory , 因为我希望对不美丽的东西有任何的回忆. I very long nvr hear Zhiqin say this le ><
Sorry for not posting .. Didnt had the time LOLS . Today celebrated laturn fest. with my condo fwens .. Lols. Justin he damn funny keep saying stories . Laughed till i cried . LOLS . Today i also had tution super funny. wad waxing and stuff . These few days i had fun . But something missing in the heart ..
Ytd play candle with jolyn .. After play bball jus afew mins the light went off 10pm le . Aiyo jus continued lorhs . thn my korkor came he didnt look like him . haha he super tall . alot things happened these few dayys .. too many to mention ..