Picturesssssss ....
Click for a larger view :D Third day
My cousin , Thersa :DD
Introducing (left to right):Auntie,ahkun,feimao,ahfu,ken, louis .Second day
Some events on the last night .
Three idiots , Me my sis and bro :DDD
My mother :DD , all hail to Empress Dowager .
A hiding orange cat .
Mother cat feeding kitten , im facinated :DD
Kelong :DDDDD
A big cat and small cat , apparently the bigger cat like to bully small one .
Ah kun , ah fu ,hiding de is ken and lastly my cousin the small one .
A dog . He fcuking cute lor .
Mini crab + mini prawn = mini collection :D
A mini crab (:
Closer view :D
Snake eating mudskipper :( , bad snake .
There is a JELLYFISH !!!
Big prawn compared to small :D
There !! This is where we stayed :D
Three hoodlums (: Left to right : My bro , Kelvin and FeiMao
Behind me is a marina batam 5 boat :DD
When we going back to whr we were staying at there .
If they anyhow cross someone may fall :(
My sisterrrrrr :DD the one im always saying .
Everyone lining up to crosss , if not u fall into the water :)
Right to left :My auntie , her daughter , my sis my bro and louis .
A photo of a sting-ray , this poison sting-ray cannot eat de .
Everyone concentrating (:
That guy in the middle introducing us his fish farm , he only 15 .
Post for the camera :DD
My brother , taken when i called him . *Stunn-ed
Mums and kids (;
Full house , all kids in here .
Day one (:
Another eel pic (:
My cousin and Me (: he is a.k.a. Kelvin . He floorball-er don play play hor .
A mudskipper and a crab ((((:
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